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Sten Shoonmaken

Create pure conditions

Sten Shoonmaken has set itself the goal of maintaining and preserving existing spaces. This resulted in the joy of developing cleaning products for this purpose, using them and constantly improving them.
Whether for home use or for professional cleaning jobs (Sten Experts Edition), Sten Shoonmaken has the right cleaning product. The range contains products for basic and special cleaning of all indoor and outdoor surfaces.

Universal cleaner MUB101

The cleaner for all materials

Universal scent cleaner UDR40

The quick cleaner for shiny materials

Rust remover neutral RFE88

The rust remover for all natural and artificial stone coverings

Universal cleaner MUB101

The cleaner for all materials

im Gespräch über Handys


Questions about a product?


Contact us and we will be happy to advise you.

Tel. 03113 51685

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